Friday, June 22, 2007

Leap of Faith

Numb. That's how I feel... kinda just in a "zone". Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I'm fighting a cold ~ yet, I REFUSE to get sick. I've been going a 100 mph in a hundred directions and I think I'm simply exhausted. Went to my Mom's yesterday, after visiting with Mrs. A (who is still in the hospital from her fall and appears to be declining rather rapidly)... I robbed my Mom's Orange tree and she gave me some Vitamin C tabs.

Everything has been happening so fast. It's a good thing, don't get me wrong. My little brain can scarcely take it all in. It's as though, someone or something else is directing all the events taking place in my life ~ each day laying the stepping stone for the next. And MY "responsibility" is to have the faith to step onto the next stone ~ to be obedient and follow the path leading out before me.

My heart is at peace... in the KNOWING that I am on the right path... yet, it is a bit frightening at times ~ when I realize the magnitude of what is being done. As I heard it... Remember in the Indiana Jones movie, when Harrison Ford is running from the bad guys...and he gets to that cliff. It's either turn around and be slaughtered or take a leap off that cliff... He put his hand over his heart and he stepped out...

I've placed my hand over my heart...and stepped off that cliff in FAITH. I have not fallen, rather the wings of the angels have carried me; gently, protectively, lovingly delivering me to that first stepping stone... I don't imagine it will always be smooth, I've certainly worked very hard ~ thus I'm exhausted.

And now, I prepare to go to New Mexico... I have no idea what to expect ~ except that I'm driving a million miles alone (me, who falls asleep every time I get in a car). I'll be working/training along side of women who's books I've read and sat in their audiences hearing amazing talks (me, who sometimes feels so small and insignificant)... I feel SO honored!

I think sometimes, people don't step forward because they don't feel like they have anything to offer or that they are good enough... They will forgo an opportunity to be involved in something good because they feel so bad. EVERYONE has SOMETHING to offer... I'm not friends with people because of what they can offer me ~ or because of what they have... I choose my friends for their hearts... Ahhh I digress.

I'm going to take some vitamin C and load up the car.

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