Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I am NOT a freak!

Hello? Anyone out there in cyber land?

So... today they had us give another "talk". With 5 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to talk, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Let's back up... yesterday when they introduced the "speakers/small group leaders", I sized up B and decided that I DIDN'T want her. She is a cross between my old baton coach and my ninny next door... WHO did I get? B! Today I learned that her mentor is one of my most favorite authors/speakers ~ a gal I've heard speak many times, own her CD's and ALL her books. To add insult to injury, I've actually read some of B's books and liked them (not putting the connection together until TODAY)... AND her best friend is ~ OMG a woman I heard speak while attending Biola ~ the one who first planted the seed (for me) of "speaking"!

So... I get up there, in front of everyone, knee's knocking AGAIN and gave my 3 min. blurp. Deep breath ~ sigh ~ she told ME that I'm a "natural" and that this is clearly my "calling". Can YOU believe it? What a compliment!

AND B lives near ME in CA!

AND I have a nail in my tire! Do I have it patched up? Do I leave it and hope I make it home? Do I? Do I? Ohhhh why ME?

AND I learned that I'm NOT a total freak! THEY said it's good to talk to yourself and find messages in EVERYTHING in life and to WRITE a lot! I do those things naturally... I can find a "life lesson" in anything... Ha! And it's OKAY! :)

Okay... now... homework assignment ~ prepare a 10 min. talk!


  1. Get the tire fixed. The longer you leave the nail in there, the more dangerous it gets. Can't afford a blow out in the middle of nowhere while traveling alone...they make movies of that stuff and not good ones.

  2. Of course this is your calling... Are you the only one who doesn't see it...I've been so inspired today...you've made me laugh, and cry..touching, you're very touching.
