Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Weekend

Princess Bride! So, my Niece came in from Arizona and we rallied to get her wedding invitations done... and I am not exaggerating when I say there were a MILLION little bows to tie, envelopes to stuff, labels to peel and stick... and I was given the task of handwriting ALL the "inner" envelopes. Ahhh but how fun it was! Truly my family can turn any TASK into a time of laughter and fellowship. And how productive a room of OCD women can be ~ let me tell ya! We were SO organized... and we finished it all! Yeah... the Princess Bride is getting married in August... then the other one is getting married.

Congrats again M! The Baccalaureate was touching... I may have been the only one listening to the speaker ~ but I'm a nerd that way. And the graduation! I don't think I've ever enjoyed a graduation ~ not even my own. Of course, I refused to clap for the Honorary Doctorate fella... It just pinches my nerve when they HAND someone a Doctorate ~ SOME of us worked very hard for our degree's... but other than that... It was a GREAT graduation... And the party, and the other party... and the other party ~ thanks for inviting me and including me in the FUN. YOUR friends are amazing... One can really tell a person's "character" by the friends they keep... I felt comfortable with all the folks at your graduation/part(ies).

MY NEXT MISSION (wanna join me?)

Mrs. A fell and she couldn't get up! This 90 year old woman (who's still very active) fell Sat. night (@ 5pm) in her back yard. She broke her HIP! Not able to get up and in excruciating pain, she managed to crawl into a bush to try to keep warm. She said, "I kept talking to myself, because I was afraid to close my eyes). Sunday, a woman from the church went to her house (because Mrs. A has NEVER missed church)... the woman found her and called 911. They went through her cell phone to call "the next of kin". My # = "this number has been disconnected or is no longer in service". My Mom's phone was turned off (cuz she was in church) and Mrs. A's only son lives in Chicago... Mrs. A had Hypothermia (damaged internal organs) and the surgery would have been too risky...
The "Mission" is this ~ Life Alert SHOULD be FREE for elderly people! It is senseless to make old people pay for a service that could save their lives! So... that's IT. I'm writing to whomever WILL listen (and even those that won't) to lobby for this service to be provided at no cost for the elderly...

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