Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The friggin DMV makes me nervous... It has everything to do with the time I went to renew my license and just about go arrested! My little sister (whom I didn't know even existed) had stolen my identity... she had warrants for HER arrest under MY license... SO... I had to take my newly found sister to court to get it STRAIGHTENED out... Thus, the DMV makes me nervous.

I had an appointment... was called up to window 2 where the guy with the matted toupee was sitting... He began to speak to me. Ummmm was THAT English? Couldn't even read his lips, because "S" looked very much like a "T" and so on... "Read Tign numba Sree". EJPTU. "Kovor lefs eye." MKESP. "Kovor righs eye". AQLERT. "Donah?" "pardon" "you wunt to donate?" "umm NO?" (I'm picturing in my head ~ I'm laying there teetering between life and death and the medic says, "Hey she's a donar, Billy needs a heart, let her DIE)"Go soo winow B.Kome back Su me."

Get to window B ~ and you'd 'a thought I was at Disneyland...sing ~ song "placeyour thumbheresigntherestepbackandSMILE". Back to window 2 to toupee man... "Pay now" (that was clear). Soooo go here, then there... stand in line to take THE test. I'm thinking ~ I have to pass AND I have to beat M's score (but I'm not competitive at all). They made me take the regular written test too! I passed AND I beat M!

Stopped at Taco Bell on the way to Mom's... whoa back up. So, my Mom called this morning and asked if I would take so and so to the court house. No. Why? I can't. Will you watch my dog then so I can take her? No. Why? I can't. Geeze... I told her I was going to the DMV. Why? Because...ask me NO questions and I'll tell you no lies.

Get her food...never talk to a mother on an empty stomach and wait till she takes a bite to tell her you just passed your motorcycle test! :)

"and who's motorcycle are you going to ride?"
"nobody''s not a motorcycle and it's mine."
"that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"
"prolly" shrug...
"well, just don't get yourself killed...I have enough to worry about."

The End.

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