Saturday, May 5, 2007

I'm perplexed...

So... I was reading in my Psychology Today journal about online addictions. Did you know it's the growing trend in America? Addiction to the Internet! They now have support groups and training for therapist to specialize in treating this addiction. People spend countless hours on the computer (beyond work), neglecting family and work, becoming so engrossed in chat rooms and etc...

Now, I didn't doubt the ever growing population of Internet addicts! I've seen first hand the damage such a problem can have on the lives of individuals and their families... But here's what baffles me...


So, let me get this STRAIGHT... They are addicted to the Internet, therefore let's offer them counseling ONLINE? I'm not knocking online therapy ~ because I am a provider myself and have done fairly well with my "virtual office". But come on! That's like having an AA meeting in a bar!

Alas... On to another subject. It's 2:55 am and I've been awake for hours. I went to bed just fine...peaceful, excited about my day (Sat.) and the "adventure" that awaits... I'm like a little kid on Christmas! But when it's time to open the "present", I'll be too dog tired. hmmmm

I've been crocheting again. It's been a long time... That used to be something I really enjoyed doing... but when things got so ugly a while back... I didn't have time for it anymore... I was too busy putting my life back together... Now, things have settled down... my house is back to normal, my life is calm again... So, the other day I just decided it was time to get my hooks and yarn out... And I'm crocheting again! Ahhh it feels so good to be back to ME. Nothing remains the same ~ not even my hair ;)

Well, perhaps I'll go read some more about this online addiction and WHY people do the crazy stuff they do... I mean, come on... it IS a little nuts to go ONLINE and create a screen name just to play with someone else's emotions... to create screen names using someone else's FIRST and LAST name just to get a rise out of someone and then put the blame onto someone else... to use someone else's screen name to go into a chat room and mascaraed as them... Is it JUST me? Or does anyone else see the insanity of that? I'm perplexed!

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