Thursday, September 20, 2007


The urge to be with horses can take hold at any age. These spirited creatures gallop through ancient myths, favorite childhood stories, wishes, dreams, and drawings. For many people, the desire recedes over time, into a secret corner of their heart. My heart has always desired the equine of my dreams... I have found myself more connected to the equine; perhaps because I have that same wild, spirited determination... Others try to "tame" me. Myself ~ longing for the freedom of the wild horse.

Unlike humans, horses refrain from suppressing so-called dark or negative feelings. As prey animals, it behooves them to see all emotion as information. It's just as important for horses to recognize when another herd member is afraid or playful, angry or boisterous, depressed or resting peacefully. Secure horses, like well-adjusted people, eventually become experts at "emotional agility" ~ the ability to get the message behind the emotion; adjust behavior, relationship, or environment accordingly; then let go of that feeling and return to homeostasis. Many human beings get caught in the vicious cycle of suppressing and then inappropriately expressing unwanted or socially unacceptable feelings, yet horses recognize and respond to the true feeling behind the facade, which is why it's difficult to hide fear, anger or sadness in their presence.

When you learn to sense and process emotion like horses do, you seem psychic compared with other people, which is no doubt one reason why equine myths often credit these animals with the ability to take riders between this world and the otherworld.

I LOVE my horse. I have found a "home" in her stall, communicating with her ~ connecting on a level humans have yet to fulfill ~ pure TRUTH and unconditional LOVE.

She doesn't lie to me. Nor could I lie to her, even if I wanted to (she'd know my true feelings). She doesn't care if my make-up is perfect, or if I am rich or poor, fat or skinny... She'd never betray me or tell my secrets to others... she's loyal!
If only everyone could have the benefit of having a horse for a friend... learning how to be authentic with their thoughts, feelings, true hearts desires... learning how to speak the TRUTH...learning how to be faithful and honest...wouldn't the world be a better place?

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