Friday, September 14, 2007


I told Nick, I was going to buy him a "memoir" to write about his "life with Krista"... My poor family. Oh how I feel for them... I've ALWAYS been like this ~ there's little hope of me changing... Always finding an animal in plight. Always getting into some kind of a "scrape". And they are ALWAYS there to help me out. If there was an easier way to describe myself to YOU (dear reader) I would encourage you to watch Ann of Green Gables ~ I am MOST like ANN! Yes, hard to believe isn't it? I AM headstrong and determined... and stubborn (sometimes to the detriment of myself).

So... because the cost of transporting a horse way exceeds what I can afford. I figured I could do it MYSELF. Do it MYSELF? Have I ever moved a friggin horse? NO! But "do it MYSELF" has been my motto my entire life! And I'm a firm believer in "never give up. never surrender."

A million phone calls later, I was able to commandeer a horse trailer (free). Did I mention that I'm determined? I con'd Nick into letting me use his truck... Naturally the man wouldn't give it up ~ so he went with me. Have you ever tried to hook up a horse trailer with a man with MS? So... we forgot to put the ball down ~ thus the trailer wasn't fully attached... therefore at any min. it could have disconnected and we would have prolly been KILLED. Ah, but it was the "no tail lights" that was the true problem. Stopped at the auto parts store... but they didn't have what we needed. The clerk... nice guy. He offered ME to hook the trailer up to HIS truck and go get my starving mare!

I just looked at him, "uhhh you're not from around here are you?"
He blushed, "No ma'am, I'm from Illinois."
"Well buddy, THIS is California and you NEVER give your vehicle to a stranger."

To the next store. No part. And NO more day light. I DROVE the light less monster back to Nick's house, where my friend Michele met us with...the wrong part. (I've now roped another person into my horse rescue going wrong). Another parts store. YaY! We got it! In the pitch dark, hooking up the adapter... MS man wobbling around, loyal friend UNDER the trailer hooking up the plugs and me with a smoke in one hand, a flash light in the other... we got tail lights! but NO headlights!

Grace was NOT rescued yesterday... but I refuse to give up!

Going to the store now to buy Memoir's for my entire extended family and my faithful friends...

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