What a beautiful drive... open highway...miles and miles of landscape... only one "pit" stop. And would you believe there was a line at the rest stop? Have you ever seen a "busy" rest stop? I was gonna go into the men's side, but I didn't think the big burly lady with the yellow vest (that said something about corrections on the back) would appreciate that. So, I waited in line.
Finally found my hotel. Wheewww I was exhausted. Yet, when I pulled into the driveway... something didn't feel "good". Perhaps it had something to do with the row of women, in tight clothes and lots of makeup... dunno. I couldn't figure out why they'd be standing outside, in the 110 degree heat with high heels on???? But my gut told me NOT to stay there...
I drove to the other side of town... and said, "okay... I need a hotel...and a nice one...and I need it within an hour" (because I had a dinner function to go to that started in 2 hours). Found my "speaking" place and then back tracked from there... Here's how it happened... I was almost worried because it was cutting it so close to my time to be at the place and I NEEDED a shower and make-up... Literally 4 blocks from the place... my eye caught the sign "Yes, we are Open". I flipped a u-turn (never you mind that I cut off about 5 cars doing it). It IS a beautiful hotel... just opened... the first floor isn't even completed yet... They just opened yesterday! And I have the whole hotel to myself :) You know what that means, don't you? Means... I can run up and down the halls naked if I wanna! :)
Well, I'd love to stay and chat... however, I'm speaking in about 2 hours... and I have one more hall to run through before I get ready. :)
Yes you could have run the halls naked, but the bigger question is...did you?