Monday, July 23, 2007

Be The Change...

"Be the change you want to see in the world" Gandhi
I WANT things to be different... therefore I am CHOOSING things to be different... I WILL be the change I want to see...
Let me tell you a true story...

A gal was put in charge of motivating the employee's to increase their customer service at a grocery store. She put together her talk and presented it to a room full of employee's ~ calling on them to make a difference to their customers...

Johnny took her talk to heart and decided he wanted to make a difference too... even though he was JUST a bagger AND he had down syndrome. So, with the help of his father, he wrote a "thought for the day", printed up the little slips of paper and as he was bagging the groceries for his customers, he'd slip that piece of paper into the bag.

About a month later, the manager called the corporate office and said, "You have got to see this! The line at the check out stand wraps around the aisle... I opened more registers, but the customers didn't move... they said they wanted to be in Johnny's line to get the "thought for the day". I don't know what to do." One lady said, she used to go to the store once a week, but now goes in every day just to get Johnny's thought for the day.

Who would have thought? A bagger with a diminished mental capacity... doing something so simple, yet impacting so many people? He was the change he wanted to see...

There are 3 things I do ~ which raises my level of "peace" ~ it's simple really... you wanna do it too?
1. Random acts of kindness ~ send out LOVE to others... think of others ONLY in LOVE
2. Find my JOY daily ~ Being thankful and grateful for all that I have... giving thanks always.
3. Uplift my soul ~ with music or sweet stories like the one above... SURROUND myself with POSITIVE people, thoughts, behaviors... that means I don't watch the NEWS or
allow negative people to influence me or my world.

I've been invited to the studio again! I'm gonna be on the Tea Vee! Going on Weds. to tape the show... Apparently, my agent doesn't like my self-imposed hair cut. LOL Never mind that I took a RAZOR to it... I do believe there is little hope for me ~ I'm forever cutting on my own hair. She's sending me for a complete make-over! Ahhh come on! If they make me wear heels, I'll flip out! I told her, I'd surrender my eye-brows to them, if they promise to leave my hair alone. LOL no deal.

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