Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Spend any amount of time with someone and they WILL present themselves... For some people it's as though you are looking at others (your friends etc...) in a mirror ~ for they are mirror images of yourself. When YOU look in the mirror...WHO do you see?

And for some people it's as though you are viewing others through a window... You see WHO the other person IS ~ by their actions, words, deeds... However, when looking through that window you first see your own reflection and indeed WHO you are... Even still other people can tint that window, so that your glimpse of another person is distorted. What does that window reflect back to you?

When YOU look at me... WHO do you see? Have YOU spent any amount of time with me to really KNOW who I am?

I am ME... unique. talented. smart. determined. beautiful. generous. I see my value and I will NEVER allow anyone to tear me down again... I will only have people in my view ~ a mirror or a window...that reflect the things I hold dear to my heart ~ LOVE, compassion, kindness, faith...TRUTH.

Busy day ~ getting ready for my open house. When I stop and think about all the people that have lifted me up when I was down... that encouraged me to continue on this path...that prayed for me and with me... that have been consistent in my life ~ I have been so BLESSED! I sent a hundred invitations out... Each person that received an invitation has touched my life in a positive way and I feel honored to call them "friend". And Lord help me if they ALL show up :) My office ain't THAT big... but my heart IS.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

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