Friday, March 9, 2007

Redwoods and friends

Years ago, I took a "road trip" with my Dad. We drove up to Oregon to visit with family... Our "adventure" was weaved with side trips to see natures beauty and the time spent with him was truly remarkable. He is a host of information and I never grow weary of hearing his tales from his youth or taking in his lessons ~ because intertwined in his story are life applications...

It had rained all night, yet stopped just in time for us to explore the Red Woods... Sunlight began to filter down through the tall trees that bordered the rim of the trail where we parked. All the world sparkled in radiant glory as billions of suspended raindrops hung heavy from every branch, needle, and blade of grass. No human-carved diamond could ever match even a single drop as it hung suspended, cascading intricate rainbows from its liquid center, completely free for any eye to behold. Incomprehensible "wealth" sparkled from every surface. Awe-inspired silence followed as we set out to explore the wonders around us. I felt like I had discovered a lost and priceless treasure. Looking this age of superficiality...I realize that I actually had. "Could Heaven be any more beautiful that this?" I wondered within my heart.

If I could see god's "friendship"... it must look like these forests. Perhaps it's not coincidental that the tallest tress on EARTH comes from their reliance on the depth of true friendship. Because of their immense height and remarkably shallow root system, redwood tress should be very susceptible to high wind. Yet they rarely blow down because they practice something truly amazing. Even though they have very superficial roots, they are still FREE to grow into towering giants because of one simple thing: Redwoods hold each other up. Initially, it may not look like much support at all when we gaze up into these majestic forests and see these trees only casually touching. What we cannot see is that beneath our feet, few other trees on earth interlock their roots with more tenacity than redwoods. Therefore a redwood tree cannot survive long by itself. It is when they stand together... allowing their intrinsic individuality to weave seamlessly one into the other...that redwoods are truly strong.

When our roots...and heart...are intertwined together like the redwoods, we can hold each other up in strength, together standing firm against the winds of adversity. We need each other. We need to reach out to those around us who are being buffeted by the wind. By choosing to send our love deep into the hearts of those we call friends...our own heart is stabilized, embraced, and nurtured. It doesn't just is a choice to send out our roots.

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