Tuesday, January 30, 2007

When WILL they get it

There are some that would KILL anybody's dreams & steal their peace, just cuz they don't have any of their own. I've been reflecting back over my life and ya know... so many of THOSE people were in my path... When WILL they learn that I will NOT be defeated? In my first book I wrote about those experiences... My mother was just 15 when she had me. She was on drugs and we were homeless. While she was being arrested, they found me in a bundle of dirty clothes and I was very sick. The social worker that took me to the foster home said, "It will be a miracle if this baby lives". It's as though I heard her and refused to die... I spent the next 4 years in foster care... I was blessed though ~ I was adopted by a loving family... In HS I was told that I would NOT make it in college. I graduated from the University! I was told I would NOT be successful in graduate school (because I was so young). I graduated with my MA! I was told that I shouldn't bother trying to get a doctorate (because of my "beginnings"). I had my doctorate by age 25. I was told that anorexia would KILL me ~ that I'd be dead within a year... I've been in recovery 9 1/2 years! When WILL they get it? I am strong and I will NOT allow anyone to steal my dreams or my peace...

My office is READY! I'm moving in and I'm moving on to my next ~ I WILL!

Be encouraged today! You WILL too ;)

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