I have not been on this blog since 2010! 8 years! To tell you the truth... I totally forgot about it. Then when I remembered ~ I couldn't remember the password. But alas and alack... I'm back. I've read through every previous post and... whoa... thankfully I'd forgotten most of that angst from 2006-2007. Those were some challenging times! And I don't recognize the person writing all those blog posts... I am not that person anymore.
I am confident
I am slightly crazy
I am complex
I am simple
I am kind of "Vanilla"
I am extremely OCD
I am exacting
I am flexible
The major difference (in me) is... Today, I know who I am and I will never, ever censor myself so that another person will accept me. Ever again! I've spent the first 35 years of my life doing that... Figuratively ~ carving my body from the inside... cutting away every scrap of meat, muscle and fiber until it resembled a hallowed out chicken carcass and I was unrecognizable.
Written and published 3 books
Pulled all 3 books from publication (because they no longer represented who I am)
Walked away from the "church" (I woke up and saw the hypocrisy and wanted no part of it)
Traded my pastor for my psychic
Traded my pastor for my psychic
Traded the church for Law of Attraction (and holy shit! I love this stuff!)
Met some of the most amazing people
Met some of the biggest assholes
I have a cat named Puppy and I prefer animals to people
I've learned to LAUGH again... I have found my humor and I am holding onto it with a death grip because THAT is my sanity.
That is Who I am and I LOVE ME.
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