Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Let's be honest... MOST of us have or have had "masks". I used to have a closet full of them and I would wear the one that was applicable to specific situations. I had the "smart girl" mask that I wore in school. Then there was the "pretty girl" that I wore at work (Disneyland)... the "nice girl", the "good girl", the "happy girl", the "funny girl" and the list went on and on. But it was exhausting and sometimes I'd get confused and wear the wrong mask... until one day I decide to UNMASK.

OH what freedom there was... I discovered that in essence, I was ALL of those things (smart, pretty, good, happy, funny and etc...) and it was okay to just be ALL of me, ALL the time. I wore all those masks, not because underneath them I was sad or angry ~ because I wasn't. I just wanted to be what YOU wanted me to be... I'd figure out what the expectation was and then I would be sure to show up that way for YOU. So you'd like me. So you'd want to be around me.

Here I am... some years later and this is how I roll ~ IF you want to be in my life, you will. If you don't, you won't. That's none of my business, nor is it my responsibility. My only responsibility is to be authentic and honest and kind.

There are some people who's masks cover their "shadow self" (those dark pieces of themselves that are sad, angry, lonely and etc...) There is nothing more unattractive than a hypocrite. When people's words and actions do not match... that drives me nuts. It shouldn't, but it does. Especially if they are a "public figure" (although that really shouldn't matter either). 

"I am joyful and loving and kind..." words. 
"I intentionally and willfully use people until they no longer serve a purpose for me and then I discard them..." actions. 

I guess that's just their "masks" ~ what they show people and who they are underneath are two very different things...

IF you wear a mask or two... what's underneath? Are you brave enough to "unmask" and just be ALL of you... ALL the time? AND... if underneath those masks ~ you aren't the person you want to be ~ get to work and become the person you want to be... so your words and actions match and you LOVE who you are.

I dare you... I dare US!

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