Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Muffin has been sprung from prison. She was a part of the "prison pup" program and was adopted for my mom. It was love at first site.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

random or no?

So, I was sitting here pondering the universe... and I came across an internal question. Do things happen in our lives at random or could it be that there is no such thing as "coincidence"? The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that everything happens for a reason. Even if the reason is not known to me... now or ever... there is still a greater purpose.

My life is not a tangled knot of misguided threads or chance encounters or random experiences. So now my question IS, will the reasons ever be revealed to me? Do I even need to know or is it simply a desire to know?

And if things don't happen by accident, then there must be an intelligent source guiding my life. There are times where I can look back and see that something greater than myself was intervening on my behalf. For example... not that long ago (a few months maybe)... I was out with the horses and suddenly felt the need to go home. For no apparant reason ~ I just felt like I needed to leave. So, I cut my time short with the horses and drove home.

Once I was home, I flipped on the t.v. while I was cooking and one of those "we interrupt this program" flashed on the screen. Two small planes collided and debris landed on a car dealership and surface drive... THE very street I WOULD have been driving on (when the collision happened) had I left at my USUAL time.

This "runaway train of thought" was sparked recently by a seemingly "chance encounter". Was it a coincidence? Why was I at that place, at that time and why did I have to see THAT person?

So, random or no?

Monday, May 5, 2008

It's OFF

I just hit "send". My book has gone to the publisher. There's no turning back now... Well, that's not an entirely true statement. I COULD make changes if I wanted to... I just DON'T feel the need to change anything that I've written. Now we just wait.

Grace and BO got "pedicures" today. And my precious Gracie got new shoes too. She wanted sketchers, but I told her she had to get HORSE shoes. She cried. Yet,as with any tantrums ~ they eventually end and there's no more fuss.

Walking her back into her stall, she was so anxious to get back to her feed. As I reached to unlock the gate, she raised her head knocking my hand into the brick wall. So... my hand is bruised and bloodied. I bruise easy these days... However, bruises do not last forever. Eventually, the purple turns into a simple yellow and eventually back to normal... Some bruises just take longer to heal ~ but heal they DO.