"The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been KINDNESS, BEAUTY and TRUTH."
Albert Einstein
The shed is completed and HOPE loves her HOME. Here she is with her Christmas antlers on, nibbling on some hay. Sweet horse, she is. Although we call her a "dog" for the neighbors sake. I wrote the shed place and told them about this little mare and all we went through to get her home. They asked for a picture of the House of Hope. This is what I sent them... I think they might use it in their add! Hope is already building her legacy...
Christine O'Leary is IN da house! So excited for ALL that is happening with you Christine! I can't wait to join you at the event tonight! How cool that I get to be a part of something SO amazing and life changing.
And the road is calling ~ heading out tomorrow for another incredible "trip" filled with love, laughter and friends.
The Mustangs have arrived... They came in Sunday morning. Wow! They are beautiful! We turned them out and locked Bo and Grace in the stall. First we let Grace out to greet her new stall mates. She was unsure, but did not even try to dominate them. THEN we let Bo out and the kicking began... He was not going to give up his reign for nothing. He'd find his way to the two mustangs... then just start kicking. Unfortunately, he's blind. So, he'd just keep on kicking not realizing they had moved away. He may be old, but he's still the boss.
And there's Mr. V. just out in the middle of the madness. That man has no fear. I, on the other hand, have a healthy fear of a 1200+ lb animal and stayed the hell away from them. Let them sort out the pecking order, then I'll get involved. If I'm going to get kicked ~ let it be by ONE horse at at time (not 4 of them). Although, I DID jump into the stall with the mustangs, once we rounded them up... They are sweet, amazing horses...
Some say Mustangs can't be tamed... but then some say that about ME as well. LOVE can conquer all things.
HOPE is home! This little horse was abandoned... when the bank went in to foreclose the house, there were 5 starving mini horses in the back yard. I got the call and within a week, Hope was in the back on my Dad's truck and moving in.
I went to Lowe's to buy a shed. They had the perfect little shed on clearance for $439.00 (from $1097.00). I wanted it. They didn't have it. So, the guy called another store who said they had 3. Off we went to the Anaheim store, BUT they discovered they didn't have any either. So, the lady called a million other stores (I'm only exaggerating a little). She found one in Moreno Valley. My Dad and I drove all the way out there and the lady said $822.00. Ummm no? I want it for the other price ~ the one it was ADVERTISED for. She said, no. Manager came out... he said $600.00. Ummm no? I got a little rowdy with him, then he said, $550.00. That's when I went a little ape shit on him and that's when my Dad was pulling on my arm saying, "I'll just build you one. Let's go."
I called corporate. They called back. Apologized up one side and down the other and they are delivering the shed today! Blake from Moreno Valley store got in trouble. Hope has a new home!
I do not believe in random encounters. I just don't. There is no such thing as serendipity. Once again my work takes me to places I wouldn't normally go... It was a "special" pass for the hospital patients and we took them there on Friday night. I didn't pick the place ~ it was on the approved list and the staff picked from that list.
Again I ask God, "Why?" Why did I run into HER there? It was awkward to say the least. One of the girls was an AWOL risk. So, on top of the anxiety of seeing HER there, I had to keep a close eye on the girl. She ripped off her hospital "bracelet" and was eying the door. I just took her outside. She didn't have to know it was as much for MY benefit as it was for hers. Outside. Fresh air...
I pointed up to the sky and told her about the North star... How it NEVER changes. It never moves. As long as we are following the TRUTH NORTH, we will never be pulled off our path. I explained to her that MY higher power (God) is MY true north... and that I know He will never change. He will never move.
She didn't AWOL SHE didn't spot me and My dad joined the church choir.
She IS amazing! Jamie appears as one of the artists in this Sprint commercial... Her link is on my web site if anyone is interested in one of the most incredible artists I've ever (personally) known.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
So... Grace stood under the mister for about a minute... then freaked out. My dad calmed her down, brushing her and talking to her, "It's just water... ain't nobody ever got hurt from water... just go back in there and stand under the mist... I promise it won't hurt you." And Bo stood near by eav's dropping on their conversation.
Slowly, Grace and Bo went back into the stall... and stood under the mister. And all was well with their world again.
Yay! The horses have misters in their stalls. That will help with the heat. That's my dad hanging up the misters and patiently waiting for me to take the picture so I can get back in there and help. Bo and Grace just wanted us to hurry up, cuz they wanted their hay. We're getting everything ready for the "new arrivals".
And we have two new rescued Mustang horses! And another mare on her way... But there's another one. He's a 5 year old abused ex race horse... SKINNY and in desperate need of love. The owner has a price on his head... He will be bought by someone and IT WILL BE ME!
So, I was sitting here pondering the universe... and I came across an internal question. Do things happen in our lives at random or could it be that there is no such thing as "coincidence"? The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that everything happens for a reason. Even if the reason is not known to me... now or ever... there is still a greater purpose.
My life is not a tangled knot of misguided threads or chance encounters or random experiences. So now my question IS, will the reasons ever be revealed to me? Do I even need to know or is it simply a desire to know?
And if things don't happen by accident, then there must be an intelligent source guiding my life. There are times where I can look back and see that something greater than myself was intervening on my behalf. For example... not that long ago (a few months maybe)... I was out with the horses and suddenly felt the need to go home. For no apparant reason ~ I just felt like I needed to leave. So, I cut my time short with the horses and drove home.
Once I was home, I flipped on the t.v. while I was cooking and one of those "we interrupt this program" flashed on the screen. Two small planes collided and debris landed on a car dealership and surface drive... THE very street I WOULD have been driving on (when the collision happened) had I left at my USUAL time.
This "runaway train of thought" was sparked recently by a seemingly "chance encounter". Was it a coincidence? Why was I at that place, at that time and why did I have to see THAT person?
I just hit "send". My book has gone to the publisher. There's no turning back now... Well, that's not an entirely true statement. I COULD make changes if I wanted to... I just DON'T feel the need to change anything that I've written. Now we just wait.
Grace and BO got "pedicures" today. And my precious Gracie got new shoes too. She wanted sketchers, but I told her she had to get HORSE shoes. She cried. Yet,as with any tantrums ~ they eventually end and there's no more fuss.
Walking her back into her stall, she was so anxious to get back to her feed. As I reached to unlock the gate, she raised her head knocking my hand into the brick wall. So... my hand is bruised and bloodied. I bruise easy these days... However, bruises do not last forever. Eventually, the purple turns into a simple yellow and eventually back to normal... Some bruises just take longer to heal ~ but heal they DO.
I've dropped the bloP! Nothing personal ~ I've just been extremely busy. Life is good and beautiful and everything it was created to be. I sit here, sipping my coffee and enJOYing the early morning hour. So much has happened in the past few months, it would be impossible to write them all here, in my bloP.
I will simply say, I am CONTENT.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
And the bloP continues... I cleaned it up though. You'll notice most of my past posts are gone. 1. I wanted to shorten this a bit. 2. I've taken those post and compiled them into a book... it's with my agent now.
I've got the hang of making video's now. Well, for the most part I do. This is my latest video of Grace. She's such a sweet horse... I've enjoyed my time with her and we have become great friends... I wrote an article about her... wanna read it?
Amazing Grace!
Imagine if you will, 1,200 lbs of flesh and muscle charging toward you. I believe it’s safe to assume that your heart would have been pounding too. Mine was for sure…
I do not use restraints with my horses. Rather my methods reflect trust, love and a whole lot of patience. Grace came to me full of fear and uncertainties… Her owner had moved and left her in the care of neighbors. However, when the owner visited the mare, she was horrified by her condition and loved the horse enough to let her go…
Grace and I began our “work” September 14, 2007. Initially, our days were “simple”… cleaning her stall, grooming her and asking her to trust me in her “space.” Eventually, I began “working” her in a round pen (lunging). When I felt confident that I had her attention and trust, I walked her to the arena near by. A new environment, with new stimuli and I was in for a whole new experience with my horse.
We entered the arena and I took her off the lead rope ~ allowing her to move freely. Now, we had spent the patient weeks building a bond and I knew she considered me “a member of her herd”. However, the combination of the new environment, new sounds, new smells… she panicked and began running and kicking. I don’t know about YOU, but the last thing I wanted to do was be in a closed space with a kicking, bucking, scared horse! If I left the arena, she was even more agitated (because she was “herd bound” to ME). Yet, the only way to calm her down was to walk out to the middle of the arena… and patiently wait for her to realize I was still there and the safest place for her to be, was right next to me. Heart pounding, one eye closed and lips moving in a desperate prayer… I walked out to the middle of the arena…
I thought about times that I was scared, angry, lonely, sad… I might not have been “kicking”, but I certainly felt the bottom line ~ fear. Where did I go? To the “center” of the bath tub (my “hiding” place) and I would sing (okay, I know that sounds strange, but it calmed me down). God met me in that place and no matter what challenge I was facing… He comforted me and gave me the courage to face my fears.
So… in a desperate attempt to calm this anxious horse… I began to sing…
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.
Grace stopped running and stood very still at the other end of the arena. She was clearly still afraid and unsure about all that was going on… I could see it in her eyes. Fight or Flight! With all four legs firmly planted, she was ready to run at any moment.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed.
Tentatively, she took one step toward me…then another…and another. I continued…
Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home.
I believe that’s when I noticed her RUNNING toward ME. Perhaps she didn’t like my singing or she suddenly realized the safest place to be was right next to ME… She came to a halt right in front of me. I’m NOT exaggerating. We were nose to nose. I could feel her hot breath on my face. Not wanting to make any sudden movements… I simply said, “Good girl Grace” and I turned to walk away… I took about 4 steps and that horse, head low, body relaxed… began to follow me. I continued singing as we walked around that arena…
When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun.
Sometimes we are just like that aren’t we? Running around, frantically trying to find something to comfort us… perhaps running from problems in our lives. Possibly caught in the trap of “fight or flight” and we seem so out of control. Yet, there in the center… stands God. Perhaps He’s singing to us… Maybe He’s just silently waiting for us to realize that the safest place to be… is standing right next to Him.
Are you “herd bound” to God? Do you get anxious when you don’t see Him in your arena? He’s there… trust me. He never moved. If you don’t see Him in the center of your arena, it could be because you are running around, kicking, bucking or just distracted. Maybe life has overwhelmed you, circumstances are less than desirable, or you are operating from a fear base… Whatever the case is… stop. Look toward the center… and you’ll see Him… you’ll hear …
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound…
That's about all I have for tonight... Happy Blopping again!